Southwest Consulting Associates Blog

FFY 2019 Medicare Cost Report Submission Reminders

Posted by Jamie Pennington on Feb 15, 2019 1:10:47 PM

Last Fall, CMS made updates to the cost reporting software and the rules for filing a hospital Medicare cost report.  Additionally, there were new and noteworthy changes included in the FY 2019 IPPS Final Rule.  Specifically, the FY 2019 Final IPPS rule included new requirements for cost reports submissions with periods beginning on or after 10/1/2018.  Providers must now submit both Worksheet S-10 and Medicare DSH patient level detail along with their cost report submissions.  

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Topics: Medicare DSH Reimbursement, Industry Updates, S-10, final rule, worksheet s-10, cost reporting, Medicare Cost Report

FY 2019 IPPS Rule, Worksheet S-10 Audits & Going Forward

Posted by Jamie Pennington on Feb 11, 2019 12:55:30 PM

Southwest Consulting Associates was featured in the latest issue of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council's Interlocutor magazine.  Beginning on page 24, Kyle Pennington reviews the FY 2019 IPPS rule, the inaugural audits of Medicare cost report Worksheet S-10 data and what's coming up next for hospital providers and their reimbursement teams. 

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Topics: S-10, final rule, worksheet s-10, Medicare Cost Report, S-10 audit, ipps rule

Worksheet S-10 Audits

Posted by Kyle Pennington on Feb 4, 2019 12:33:57 PM

The Uncompensated Care pool reimbursement payment is viewed as a zero-sum game, with one hospital’s reimbursement gain through the program becoming another hospital’s loss.  While Worksheet S-10 has been used for UC reimbursement purposes for only a short time, audits of the S-10 data to ensure its accuracy and consistency have been a high priority for hospital providers.  In its 2019 final IPPS rule, CMS stated that, due to the overwhelming feedback from commenters emphasizing the importance of audits, they would begin the inaugural audits in fall 2018. 

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Topics: uncompensated care, S-10, worksheet s-10, Medicare Cost Report

Cost to Charge Ratio Review For Worksheet S-10 Uncompensated Care Reporting

Posted by Stacie Snider on Nov 1, 2018 11:14:25 AM

With CMS using cost report Worksheet S-10 to determine a provider’s UC Factor 3 and ultimately their portion of federal uncompensated care payments, ensuring the accuracy of Worksheet S-10 reporting is essential for all Medicare DSH-eligible hospitals.  Now, while we know that line 30 ultimately drives Factor 3, it is recommended hospitals review ALL data on S-10, not just the data that feeds to line 30.  This includes looking closer at the cost to charge ratio (CCR) to ensure hospitals are capturing all costs that are considered allowable. As you may know, the cost to charge ratio has a direct effect on the data that is reported on Medicare cost report Worksheet S-10, which then in turn impacts UC payments.

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Topics: worksheet s-10, cost to charge ratio, cost reporting, Medicare Cost Report

Hospital Cost to Charge Ratio 101

Posted by Stacie Snider on Oct 22, 2018 1:36:33 PM

As stated in an earlier blog titled, “Costs for Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10 Cost To Charge Ratio,” hospitals need to begin looking closer at their cost to charge ratios (CCR) to ensure they are capturing all costs that are considered allowable. As you may know, the cost to charge ratio has a direct effect on the data that is reported on Medicare cost report Worksheet S-10, which then in turn impacts UC payments. In this blog, we will review the cost to charge ratio in a hospital setting. 

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Topics: worksheet s-10, cost to charge ratio, cost reporting

FY19 IPPS Final Rule: Cost Report Worksheet S-10 Is Here To Stay

Posted by Kyle Pennington on Oct 12, 2018 1:32:37 PM

The Fall 2018 issue of HFMA New Jersey's Garden State FOCUS magazine included an article titled, "FY 2019 IPPS Final Rule Update: Worksheet S-10 Is Here To Stay" which takes a look at:

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Topics: Medicare DSH Reimbursement, S-10, regulations, final rule, worksheet s-10

Costs for Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10 Cost to Charge Ratio

Posted by Stacie Snider on Jun 14, 2018 4:21:22 PM

As CMS promised, Worksheet S-10 is now starting to be used for computing uncompensated care allocations and potentially other payment allocations in the future. It is becoming apparent that hospitals need to return to focusing more on their cost reports that are being filed to ensure costs are properly stated.


Over the past decade, many hospitals may not have focused as much on cost and charges due mostly to having PPS payment systems (excluding a discussion on Medicaid payments). While filing complete and accurate cost reports has always been the norm, now more than ever, facilities need to begin looking closer at their cost to charge ratios to ensure they are capturing all costs that can be considered allowable.  Are you capturing all your allowable costs to properly compute your cost to charge ratio for S-10?

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Topics: worksheet s-10, cost to charge ratio, cost reporting

Texas Hospital Association Partners With SCA Uncompensated Care Costs Calculations

Posted by Jamie Pennington on May 29, 2018 11:35:37 AM

Southwest Consulting Associates has been endorsed by the Texas Hospital Association to help Texas hospitals thoroughly and completely calculate and document uncompensated care costs to qualify for Medicaid supplemental payments. Read the full press release HERE.

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Topics: worksheet s-10

2019 IPPS Proposed Rule: Cost Report Worksheet S-10 to determine Two-Thirds of Factor 3 for Uncompensated Care Payment

Posted by Jamie Pennington on Apr 25, 2018 3:59:40 PM

The 2019 IPPS Proposed Rule will be published in the Federal Register on May 7, 2018. If finalized, these changes will go into effect October 1, 2018. The pre-published version can be viewed HERE. Public comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. EDT on June 25, 2018.  Below is SCA’s "as brief as we could make it", yet comprehensive summary on the Medicare DSH/Uncompensated Care payment portion (pages 818-877) of the proposed rule as it will affect qualifying DSH hospitals.

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Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, Compliance, Industry Updates, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, healthcare finance, worksheet s-10

340B and Worksheet S-10 Collide, Again

Posted by Jeff Norman on Feb 5, 2018 1:12:40 PM

On January 23, 2015, Michael Newell, SCA’s President, authored a blog article entitled 340B meets S-10, which can be found HERE.  The impetus for this article was report published by the Alliance for Integrity and Reform of 340B (AIR340B).  In this article, the authors concluded that 340B hospitals appear to provide only a minimal amount of charity care thus calling into question whether or not Congress’ intentions for the 340B program are being met. The data used to reach this conclusion was derived from the Medicare Cost Report, CMS-2552-10, S-10 – the very data that CMS currently uses as the basis to allocate the uncompensated care pool for the Medicare DSH/uncompensated care program. 

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Topics: uncompensated care, 340B, S-10, worksheet s-10

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The climate of provider reimbursement is ever-changing and this blog is intended to keep you up-to-date on the latest information regarding:

  • DSH Reimbursement
  • 340B Pharmacy Drug Discount Program
  • Compliance Issues
  • Litigation Surrounding Provider Reimbursement

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