The 2019 IPPS Final Rule was put on display for public inspection on August 2, 2018 and is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Monday, August 17, 2018. The pre-publication version can be viewed HERE (Medicare DSH begins on page 969). SCA will be reviewing and analyzing the details of the final rule and its components and we will provide more detailed conclusions soon.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, Industry Updates, S-10, proposed rule
2019 IPPS Proposed Rule: Cost Report Worksheet S-10 to determine Two-Thirds of Factor 3 for Uncompensated Care Payment
Posted by Jamie Pennington on Apr 25, 2018 3:59:40 PM
The 2019 IPPS Proposed Rule will be published in the Federal Register on May 7, 2018. If finalized, these changes will go into effect October 1, 2018. The pre-published version can be viewed HERE. Public comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. EDT on June 25, 2018. Below is SCA’s "as brief as we could make it", yet comprehensive summary on the Medicare DSH/Uncompensated Care payment portion (pages 818-877) of the proposed rule as it will affect qualifying DSH hospitals.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, Compliance, Industry Updates, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, healthcare finance, worksheet s-10
The 2019 IPPS Proposed Rule was put on display for public inspection on April 24, 2018 and is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Monday, May 7, 2018. The pre-publication version can be viewed HERE. All public comments to the proposed rule are to be received by 5 p.m. EST on Monday, June 25, 2018.
In regards to the Medicare DSH/UC payment, Worksheet S-10 will be used to calculated two-thirds of a qualifying provider's Factor 3. SCA will be reviewing and analyzing the full details of the proposed rule and its components, and we will provide our conclusions in the coming week.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, Industry Updates, S-10, proposed rule
CMS Posts 2018 IPPS Final Rule: Worksheet S-10 IS A GO!
Posted by Jamie Pennington on Aug 2, 2017 4:05:30 PM
The 2018 IPPS Final Rule was put on display for public inspection on August 2, 2017 and is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Monday, August 14, 2017. The pre-publication version can be viewed HERE (Medicare DSH begins on page 771). SCA will be reviewing and analyzing the details of the final rule and its components and we will provide more detailed conclusions soon.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, Industry Updates, S-10, proposed rule
2018 IPPS Proposed Rule: Recommendations in Advance of Final Rule
Posted by Jeff Norman on Jul 31, 2017 4:10:58 PM
The FY 2018 IPPS proposed rule was published April 28, 2017. Public comments have been submitted and we are awaiting the final rule. For reference, the 2017 IPPS final rule was posted the first week in August 2016 so we are on the cusp on the 2018 final rule.
In our last proposed rule post, while we stated that there was a brief moment of deja vu with regards to using Worksheet S-10 to distribute the uncompensated care payment to qualifying Medicare DSH hospitals for FY 2018, we also stated that based on the language used in the proposed rule, we believe that the change will stick this time. Despite challenges on the accuracy of Worksheet S-10 data, CMS goes out of their way to lay out the reasoning for using S-10 now. And, with the issuance of Transmittal 1863 and the notice about FY 2014 S-10 revisions, our case may be even stronger now. From experience, we all know that anything can happen but we think Medicare DSH hospitals should take notice (and quickly) with this proposed rule, subsequent Transmittal and Notice and prepare themselves as best they can to deal with this significant change. Here’s what we recommend hospital’s be working on in advance of the final rule, in order of priority.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, S-10, regulations, final rule, proposed rule, worksheet s-10, CMS transmittal
IPPS Proposed Rule 2018: Factor 3 - CMS Digging Heels In
Posted by Michael Newell on Jun 22, 2017 1:10:34 PM
On April 28, 2017, CMS published the FFY 2018 IPPS Proposed Rule in the Federal Register. Go HERE for our summary of the Medicare DSH/Uncompensated care payment portion of the rule. After years of discussion to use Worksheet S-10 uncompensated care data to distribute the Medicare DSH/UC pool always ending with CMS “kicking the can down the road”, it appears that CMS has finally dug their heels in. Who else just had a moment of deja vu?
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, worksheet s-10, factor 3
On April 28, 2017, CMS published the FFY 2018 IPPS Proposed Rule in the Federal Register. Go HERE for our summary of the Medicare DSH/Uncompensated care payment portion of the proposed rule. After years of discussion on Worksheet S-10 and false starts on the use of uncompensated care data for Medicare DSH/UC pool distribution purposes, CMS appears to finally be moving forward with implementation. Did anyone else have a moment of deja vu?
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, worksheet s-10, factor 3
2018 IPPS Proposed Rule Comment Letter Submitted to CMS
Posted by Jamie Pennington on Jun 15, 2017 11:39:13 AM
The FY 2018 IPPS proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on April 28, 2017. All comments to the rule were to be submitted to CMS by Tuesday, June 13, 2017. Like in past years, Southwest Consulting Associates (SCA) performed extensive analysis of the proposed rule and submitted comments in response to CMS’ FY 2018 IPPS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). SCA’s comments primarily related to the proposed changes in the payment adjustment for Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) including the Uncompensated Care (UC) payment component.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, Industry Updates, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, worksheet s-10
On April 28, 2017, CMS published the FFY 2018 IPPS Proposed Rule in the Federal Register. After years of discussion on Worksheet S-10 and false starts on the use of uncompensated care data for Medicare DSH/UC pool distribution purposes, CMS appears to have finally moved forward with implementation. Go HERE for our summary of the Medicare DSH/Uncompensated care payment portion of the proposed rule. In this post, we will take a dive into Factor 2 as described in the proposed rule. For a quick refresher on Factor 2, go HERE.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, worksheet s-10, factor 2
On April 28, 2017, CMS published the FFY 2018 IPPS Proposed Rule in the Federal Register. After years of discussion on Worksheet S-10 and false starts on the use of uncompensated care data for Medicare DSH/UC pool distribution purposes, CMS appears to have finally moved forward with implementation. Go HERE for our high-level summary of the Medicare DSH/Uncompensated care payment portion of the proposed rule. In this post, we will take a dive into Factor 1 as described in the proposed rule. For a quick refresher on Factor 1, go HERE.
Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, uncompensated care, S-10, regulations, proposed rule, worksheet s-10