Southwest Consulting Associates Blog

FFY 2017 SSI Ratios Posted to CMS Website for Medicare DSH

Posted by Jamie Pennington on Apr 4, 2019 4:57:30 PM

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FY 2017 SSI RatiosCMS posted the FFY 2017 SSI ratios to their website.  The FFY 2017 SSI ratio file (DSH Adjustment and 2016-2017 File [ZIP, 246KB]) can be found in the Downloads section of CMS' Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) webpage or by following the link below:

To download the SSI ratio file directly, click the link below:

DSH Adjustment and 2016-2017 File [ZIP, 248KB]

The FFY 2017 SSI ratios should be used for computing the Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital payment for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2016, and before October 1, 2017.  


If you have any questions regarding your provider's specific SSI ratio or if your hospital would benefit from a SSI recalculation from federal fiscal year to hospital fiscal year, please contact Southwest Consulting Associates.  SCA will be analyzing these percentages in detail and posting our conclusions soon.  Stay tuned...



  Southwest Consulting Associates Worksheet S-10 blog



Topics: DSH Reimbursement, Medicare DSH Reimbursement, Industry Updates, SSI Recalculations, factor 3, ssi ratio, uncompensated care payment

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