Southwest Consulting Associates Blog

340B Corner: OPAIS ALERT

Posted by Brennan Newell on Aug 9, 2017 3:25:25 PM

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Offline_OPAISHRSA's OPA announced its current 340B database will be offline beginning August 15, 2017 in anticipation of its new database, Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS). How will this affect users?


The new 340B database, OPAIS, is expected to be up and running by October 1, 2017. More information on OPAIS and it's specifications can be found here.  


During the offline period, Covered Entities (CE's) will be unable to submit change requests, terminations or recertifications.


External users will be able to verify covered entity and manufacturer participation, and 340B contract pharmacy locations with reports that will be available on the 340B Drug Pricing Program webpage as of August 15, 2017.


Questions on the new OPAIS or immediate needs related to a CE record must be directed to the 340B Prime Vendor Program at (888) 340-2787. We will continue to monitor and update.



Topics: 340B, 340B database, OPAIS

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