Southwest Consulting Associates Blog

2020 Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility Final Rule Update

Posted by Stacie Snider on Aug 16, 2019 9:13:30 AM

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know the rules-1752415_1920_Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The 2020 Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility Final Rule was published in the Federal Register August 7, 2019. The rule can be found through the CMS website or you can view the Federal Register version here. This SNF rule affects discharges on or after October 1, 2019. 


Each year, CMS publishes updates to the regulations for inflation factors, wage adjustments, etc. and for FY 2020, CMS has finalized the following updates to the SNF rates:


2020 SNF FINAL rates table 3 and 4Additionally:

  1. CMS finalized the use of the FY 2019 final rule new case-mix classification model, PDPM, that will take effect beginning October 1, 2019.

  2. The PDPM model will require a change from the RUG-IV classifications. CMS finalized the rule to move away from patients being classified mostly as therapy patients.

  3. The CMS final SNF rule PDPM multipliers remain unchanged from the proposed rule:

    2020 SNF PDPM FINAL multipler Table 5 graphic

  4. Table 6 and 7 at the bottom of page 8 in the Federal Register document shows the new Adjusted Federal Rates of the new PDPM model.

For your reference, we recommend viewing the resources CMS has provided on the SNF PPS Patient Driven Payment Model


For comparison, you can find our post on the FY 2020 Inpatient SNF proposed rule here.  Additionally, the final 2020 IPPS, Psych, Rehab, ESRD and Hospice rules have also been published. You can find the final rule update articles that have already been posted by clicking the links above. Expect posts on ESRD and Hospice in the coming days.


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Topics: Industry Updates, regulations, final rule, provider reimbursement, inpatient SNF

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