Southwest Consulting Associates Blog

340B Corner: 340B Meets S-10

Posted by Michael Newell on Jan 23, 2015 11:05:22 AM

In a report published by the Alliance for Integrity and Reform of 340B (AIR340B), the authors concluded that 340B hospitals appear to provide only a minimal amount of charity care thus calling into question whether or not Congress’ intentions for the 340B program are being met. The data used to reach this conclusion was derived from the Medicare Cost Report, CMS-2552-10, Worksheet S-10 – the very data that CMS did not use as the basis to allocate the 9 billion dollar uncompensated care pool for 2014 due to apparent flaws in the data. CMS did not use S-10 data to distribute the 2015 uncompensated care pool either for primarily the same reasons as 2014 (see SCA's 2014 and 2015 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking comment letters for more information). This is just one more reason hospitals should evaluate the time, attention and resources being invested in reporting S-10 data.

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Topics: 340B, S-10

340B Corner: All Aboard

Posted by Tanya Frederick on Jan 8, 2015 12:47:53 PM

It’s registration time again.  That’s right.  All aboard the 340B train.  All those that qualified in October are now eligible and those that missed the deadline in October have until the 15th of January to register.  Let me tell you, the word is out.  October 2014’s registration had 4,158 CE’s and CP’s that registered.  Well, it is a great program.  And there are some great benefits for the covered entities as well as the contracted pharmacies, as long as you follow the guidelines, the rules set in place and you watch your back.  Between the HRSA regulations, the wholesalers, the manufacturers and the software vendors, it’s a tricky cup of tea out there.  


So, for those of you that have decided to join in on the fun, a few words of advice….  

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Topics: 340B

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