Yesterday, CMS held an Open Door Call to discuss two agenda items, one of which was the posting of the FY 2020 hospital area wage index data and occupational mix public use file. As you know, according to the FY 2020 Hospital Wage Index Development Timetable, hospitals have until February 15, 2019 to submit correction requests regarding their data.
However, remember a few things about this submission:
The correction requests relate only to errors in the Public Use File (PUF) due to CMS or MAC mishandling of your worksheet S-3 wage data, or
Revisions of desk review adjustments to your worksheet S-3 wage data as included in the Public Use File
Supporting documentation is required with your submission
No new requests for wage index or occupational mix data revisions will be accepted
All requests, including supporting documentation, must be received by February 15, 2019
The 2020 Hospital Wage Index Development Timetable also specifies the upcoming dates that should be of note to hospitals. The most immediate after the February 15, 2019 deadline is March 22, 2019 when the MAC’s will be transmitting final revised wage index data and notifying hospitals regarding their revision requests received by February 15, 2019. Shortly after that, or by April 4, 2019, hospitals should submit appeal requests where hospitals still disagree with their MAC’s determination.
Please review the 2020 Hospital Wage Index Development Timetable document and track these important deadlines to ensure that you are submitting required information by the applicable deadline. The wage index review should be a top priority for hospital reimbursement departments because this data will set future payment rates that will ultimately affect your LIP and/or Medicare DSH calculations. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or comments.